SMOKERS AT RISK- SARS- COV 2 Receptors are Increasing in lungs of Smokers

SARS- COV 2 Receptors are increasing in the lungs of Smokers

The scientist from CSHL suggests that Cigarette smoke Tend the lungs to form more ACE2 (Angiotensin-converting Enzyme 2), It's a protein that is responsible for COVID-19 grab and mediator to enter the human cell. The report in the Journal " the developmental Cell" on 16 May 2020, Reported that Why Smokers appears to be in danger for Severe Infections. A suggestion can be seen that quitting smoking can reduce the risk of Coronavirus for the smoker.

Scientists and Researchers are tending to observe since early stage that how the COVID 19 is affecting people at every stage. Most infected INdividuals Affected only Mild illness, others require intensive care due to virus attack. There are three groups that are observed for severe illness as for - MEN, ELDERLY and SMOKERS.

CSHL Fellow Jason Sheltzer and Joan Smith, an engineer at Google focussed first on Gene comparing activity in Lungs at different ages, between sexes, Smokers and Non-smokers. Thye put all of the data together and found out that both mice that are exposed to smoke in Laboratory and the Human Smokers has upregulation of ACE2.

While they don't have any evidence that Age or sex impacts the ACE2 level in Lungs, The influence of Smoke was very strong. However those who quitted smoking have got the same ACE2 levels as that of Non-smokers.

Sheltzer, Smith, and Colleagues observed that Most prolific producers of ACE2 in airways are Mucus producing Goblet cells. Smoking tends to increase the presence of Goblet cells, Protecting irritants in airway lining but By amplifying the amount of ACE2 in the lungs may increase the vulnerability of SARS- COV 2

So, it's better to avoid smoking as it is really Dangerous for health causing a welcome treat for SARS- COV2.



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