
How to Save Money Smartly- 50-30-20 Rule

How to Save Money Smartly- 50-30-20 Rule   The 50-30-20 rule is a budgeting guideline that suggests dividing your after-tax income into three categories: needs, wants, and savings.  50% for needs : Allocate 50% of your income toward essential expenses that are necessary for your basic needs. This category includes rent/mortgage payments, utilities, groceries, transportation costs, insurance premiums, and minimum debt payments 30% for wants: Dedicate 30% of your income to discretionary spending or things you desire but are not essential. This category covers non-essential expenses like dining out, entertainment, vacations, hobbies, shopping, and other personal preferences. 20% for savings : Save at least 20% of your income for future financial goals and emergencies. This category includes contributions to retirement accounts, building an emergency fund, saving for a down payment on a house, investments, or other lo

How to Maintain Work Life balance

How to Maintain Work Life balance- Maintaining work-life balance is essential for your overall well-being and productivity. Here are some tips to help you achieve and maintain a healthy work-life balance: Set clear boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. Define specific working hours and avoid bringing work-related tasks or concerns into your personal time. Prioritize and delegate: Identify your most important tasks and prioritize them accordingly. Delegate tasks that can be handled by others, freeing up your time for more important responsibilities.    Schedule breaks and downtime: Schedule regular breaks throughout your workday to recharge and relax. Additionally, make sure to allocate time for leisure activities, hobbies, and spending quality time with family and friends. Learn to say no : It's important to learn to say no to excessive work demands or commitments that may overload your

15 Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings by Medicozen

Want to Remove the Sugar Cravings? Do you grab candy just for an afternoon snack? Guilty about the pastry you took a few hours ago? How can you stop sugar cravings Once and for all?. Don't worry I am here to help you to control Sugar Craving.  Why We Crave for Sugar? Intaking Sugar stimulates the release of the hormone Serotonin, the feel-good Brain Chemical. The taste of sugar also releases endorphins, that calm and relax us. That's why our body craves more sugar. The problem is not that we are taking Sugar, But it arises when we Overdo it. Suggesting the best way to stop eating sugar. xc What can be the Harm of intaking a lot of sugar? 1. Tooth Decay and Cavity 2. Too much Sugar hard for digestion 3. Sugar can cause Inflammation in Knee, ankle pain joins. 4. Increase in Weight 5. More Wrinkles - Sugar Decrease Quality of Collagen and Lead to have more Wrinkles and Skin issues. What Can we do to Fight Sugar Cravings? 1. Eat Nuts- Nuts can be a great benefit for Type 2

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 HOW CAN YOU AVOID NEW CORONAVIRUS STRAIN IN THIS EMERGING TIME. Coronavirus is contagious and becoming dangerous than original and spreading quickly. Precautions need to be procured and advance. In this article, you will learn how we can avoid new Strain to protect ourselves and our surroundings. New  Variant  is Spreading fast. To avoid it  You need to be more protective than before. The new variant appears to latch into our cells more efficiently. Check  here . The changes suggest that the new strain is more dangerous and takes less time to infect any healthy person. So, How do you avoid this infection? HOW CAN I PROTECT MYSELF? The spreading of coronavirus is the same as it is far known. Wear Two- Three layers of masks. Avoid crowds, keep your Distance. Wash hands, Avoid Face touching. "The First thing I say to people is that it's not a different Virus. All the things we have learned about this virus still applies" said  Dr Ashish K.Jha  dean of Brown University

Advices For Healthy Being For Late 40's and Late 20's Age Group.

  How you can opt Healthy Body in Late 40 for both Men and Woman. Being healthy is one of the major tasks nowadays due to lots of Exaggerated Lifestyles and Busy schedule. People forget to prepare their bodies for the Late '40s. When we are in the early 20s, we are Most energetic and Powerful at that point of age but as we grow towards the '30s '40s '50s, our work intensity, thinking power, Efficiency decreases with time. You need to take care of your body so that you are able to make valuable responses when you reach the '30s-'40s. Here are the few tips for 2 age groups. One is Early 20's and the Other is Late 30-40's. So do Follow My Tips and stay Healthy. Lets Focus on the Late 40;s. Here are a few tips. 1. Balance your Blood sugar level Have a habit of a regular checkup of your blood sugar level in order to avoid the massive transition of a healthy human body to unhealthy visitors. 2. Stop being Overcaffinated- Caffeine is the one thing most peopl


Food for Arthritis and Inflammatory Pain- Inflammation is a painful condition through which major age groups are suffering due to lifestyle and genetic adherence. Some of the diets can reduce inflammatory Pain and Arthritis if taken on a regular basis. This diet is especially for people above 40 Years of age. Approximately One percent of The world population lives with rheumatoid arthritis with at least twice as many women affected as men. The World Health Organisation estimates more than 23 Million people live with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Take Care of Your Loved Ones. 1. Cherries-  Contain anthocyanocides which help lower the Uric acids Level reducing the Pain. They are Delicious and packed with Lots of Vitamins. Seems to act as Anti-inflammatory action on the body. 2. Ginger - Ginger Consist of Gingerol which is potent anti-inflammatory agents. Ginger is used in Traditional medicine and ancient times. Also used as an Expectorant to relieve from Cough and better digestion of

Contact Lens To detect and Therapy Of Diabetes

Contact Lens To detect and Therapy Of Diabetes- The Invention by the combination of Technology and Medical and technology gave a pace in Medical Science and Development. The Development of a Contact lens to measure Blood glucose level with the help of Tears has been diminished by Google and Novartis. They Abandoned the Project when they feel that it was Scientifically Impossible to Develop any Kind of Invention.  Meanwhile, Researchers in South Korea tend to find success in that invention. Researchers at Pohang University of Science and Technology have developed Smart contact lens that measures Glucose level and also Provides Control Drug Delivery. Research Led By Prof. Sei Kwang Han has Found the low irritation in Rabbits, Able to detect Glucose Level in Tears, and Release the compound Genistein that helps to treat Diabetic Retinopathy. Patients Suffering From Diabetes experience Fluctuations in blood glucose level. Sudden drops can lead the patient to a high risk such as Lo


How much Sleep Do You Need? Sleep is one of the major part of Life for Health like that of Food and Water. Getting the Right Amount of Sleep can lead us to Improve immunity, Prevent us from various Diseases and Improve Mental Health. Most of the People are not able to get enough sleep. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention Estimate to about 1/3rd of Adults are not able to get enough sleep. Due to increase rate of Urbanisation and industrialization, major people are not able to manage their sleep time but it's essential for our body to sleep an accurate amount as needed by our body respective of our age, lifestyle. How much sleep we should take? As we all know that some people require more sleep as others due to lifestyle, health condition, age, and Requirements. The National Sleep Foundation ( NSF) has recommended different sleeping hours as per age groups. newborns (0–3 months) : 14–17 hours infants (4–11 months) : 12–15 hours toddlers (1–2 years) : 11–14 hour

SMOKERS AT RISK- SARS- COV 2 Receptors are Increasing in lungs of Smokers

SARS- COV 2 Receptors are increasing in the lungs of Smokers The scientist from CSHL suggests that Cigarette smoke Tend the lungs to form more ACE2 (Angiotensin-converting Enzyme 2), It's a protein that is responsible for COVID-19 grab and mediator to enter the human cell. The report in the Journal " the developmental Cell" on 16 May 2020, Reported that Why Smokers appears to be in danger for Severe Infections. A suggestion can be seen that quitting smoking can reduce the risk of Coronavirus for the smoker. Scientists and Researchers are tending to observe since early stage that how the COVID 19 is affecting people at every stage. Most infected INdividuals Affected only Mild illness, others require intensive care due to virus attack. There are three groups that are observed for severe illness as for - MEN, ELDERLY and SMOKERS. CSHL Fellow  Jason Sheltzer  and Joan Smith, an engineer at Google focussed first on Gene comparing activity in Lungs at different ages, b

Throat Sensor to Track COVID 19 - Artificial Intelligence

Throat Sensor to Track COVID 19 Powered by AI- COVID-19 is growing outmost all over the world. The ongoing Pandemic Outbreak has resulted in a big shift across the Industries, but the Healthcare system is finding a way to develop the solution day by day. A flexible Wireless sensor is placed where the Chest and Throat meet, aggregating the information about the breathing and coughing induced by COVID-19. The Device provide information about the early signs of Coronavirus symptoms that can be recorded in Sensor. Researchers at Northwestern University partnered with Shirley Ryan AbilityLab to develop a tiny flexible sensor device that can track respiration rate, cough, shortage of breathing, body temperature.  It adheres to the skin below Suprasternal Notch- the base of your throat where airflow is closet to the skin and tracheostomies are performed. The Wearable design to be worn on the throat is in use of about 25 individuals for 2 weeks so far generating 1500 h

Low-Cost Test Kit by IIT for COVID-19 approved by ICMR

Low-Cost Test Kit by IIT for COVID-19 approved by ICMR- Coronavirus has become pandemic throughout the nation. The requirement for Test kits is in great demand due to the rise in Cases all over the world. The development has been rising each day. Every country is making its fine efforts to deal and break this chain of Coronavirus Pandemic outbreak. The Test kit has become important due to the rising case throughout the world. The Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi in India has developed a COVID-19 test kit, Which is a low-cost kit and is approved by ICMR ( Indian Council of Medical Research), which is a nodal health agency dealing with COVID-19 outbreak. The initiation of Test it began in January 2020 when no cases were found in the country. " We developed the test kit within 3 months and we had begun working on it on January. Testing will be cheaper than all existing devices," said V. Perumal, Professor IIT- Delhi. It is a swab test kit. The low-cost tes

Reason Why INDIA is a savior Globally in COVID-19 - YOU WILL FEEL PROUD.

Reason Why INDIA is a savior Globally in Coronavirus Outbreak - YOU WILL FEEL PROUD. If you are an Indian time to Feel proud you will be proud to read the below points when you realize that "This is India". I am just sharing a few percents of What India is Cooperating worldwide. Surely from any country you belong, I hope and pray This pandemic outbreak will leave the World as soon as possible. India Being the 2nd largest Populated country and developing nation, Is fighting through this crisis and also Helping others Globally. Here are the few things you must know and Be proud of being a part of INDIA. 1. The Pharmaceutical Chain supply Globally heavily relies on India as 26% of All medicine in the UK is Supplied by India. 2. In Europe India accounts fir generic Drug Import, 40% Generic Drug taken by Americans are made in India. 3. Indias massive Pharmaceutical Industry is a source of More than 49% of Global Demand for various vaccines. 4. In 2016, India was the

Artificial Intelligence in COVID-19

Artificial Intelligence in COVID- 19 Coronavirus is a worldwide issue and a pandemic outbreak. Most of the countries are suffering from this outbreak. moreover thousands of Citizens of different country all over the world are going to die day by day. Artificial Intelligence are being procured in each and every stage of upgrowing lifestyle. As the augmentation of Urbanisation in our upgrowing country, Science has also came up with advanced technology called as Artificial intelligence. 1. Use Of machine learning in Research Insights- Major Insights of machine learning tend to help the people to learn more accurately data and statistical approach so as to reach a conclusion. To aggregate vast data in industry and large bulk analysis Artificial intelligence tend to play major role. 2. Improved patient accessibility towards AI- Artificial intelligence has helped patients to access their records, Previous Food records, Allergy records, medication records. Paper doc

CORONAVIRUS- Introductions, Structure, Actions, Precautions, History.

Coronavirus is a Pandemic Outbreak all over the world. Thus being a health  Profesional and a Researcher, It's my duty to share Relevant information about COVID-19.  Do share the video and let me know in The comment section about the topic you want me to explain.

Rumors on Coronavirus can be contiguous to health, BE AWARE-

Rumors on Coronavirus can be contiguous to health, BE AWARE- Source- World health Organisation Coronavirus his being declared as Public Health Emergency. Due to Rising cases all over the world, Things need to be cleared before taking vital steps. As per the Reference of WHO, I am providing information to all people reading this Blog. Myths are the first thing that is spreading worldwide by the social platforms, By people, Communications, Lack of Awareness. The rumors need to be cleared before one can be relaxed. 1. Can be Transmitted in ALL AREAS Regardless of Climate changes, hot and humid temperatures, One has to take preventive measures before the situation get worsen. The Human trial phase of medicine is under a process that's why one has to be clear and aware of what are the Do's and Dont's, one can take so as to decrease the risk, Not only to yourself but to the family members or the Surrounding people. 2. Hot Bat